Am I My Brother’s Keeper or is it different now?
In this article we’ll look at our relationship with others and what that means in the grand scheme of life.
As of this writing the Coronavirus continues to threaten the health of all of us. The numbers of infectious and deaths are staggering, and in many places, men’s hearts are failing them for fear. This is only human.
In the past weeks, the focus has switched from industrialized countries to the developing world. This is a worse-case scenario, since many of these countries are ill-prepared and not equipped for a large-scale outbreak. Everything is uncertain.
Well, not EVERYTHING!!
This past week, in Washington, DC., I witnessed on television, some of the most dynamic events in the history of the United States. With the country beginning the process of opening, a video surfaced from Minnesota that changed our perception of nationhood and brotherhood.
In the span of eight minutes and forty-six seconds, a video (shot by a 17-year-old girl), shone the spotlight on an evil that has lurked, in plain sight, for more than 400 years. The oppression of African Americans and the prison of privilege.
The graphic scene of George Floyd being murdered by a law enforcement officer, in broad daylight, while those entrusted to uphold the law, stand idly by, is revolting. But unfortunately, all too common.
In fact, it’s a scene that has been replayed thousands of times, except this time we saw it with our own eyes. What’s different? It’s called timing.
‘The key to success in everything is timing.’ Morris Cerullo.
Reverends Cerullo is an oldtime Evangelist, who taught that ‘God is a God of plan, purpose and objectivity’.
I choose to believe this. What choice do I have?
The signs may be confusing to understand, especially in real time. The tv screens depicted a nation in the throes of an upheaval. The US swept the ugly truth about police brutality under the nearest rug, and it was beginning to to examine its soul. The findings are earth-shattering.
But, there is something unique taking place at the same time. Unlike the Civil Rights movement of the 1960’s, which was a collection of Black clergy and organizers, together with Jewish sympathizers, this one is also, strangely different.
At the Martin Luther King Jr. monument on the Washington Mall this past weekend, an enormous group, as beautiful as the colors of the rainbow, gathered to protest the systemic racial injustice that has been hidden for too long.
Seeing this was one of the highlights of my life. It was a long time coming.
In Israel, just about the time the video was released, I had a moment of clarity walking on top of Mount Carmel, also known as Elijah’s mountain. Only this one, involves ravens.
I live here, and I’ve always been fascinated by the ravens that inhabit this mountain. They’re the descendants of the same birds which are said to have fed the Prophet Elijah, when he hid from Jezebel.
Elijah’s cave is about 10 kilometers away.
Walking on top of the mountain, I tried to go past a tree and came upon two hyper-aggressive, loud ravens. When I say loud, think thunderous. Every step in their direction was met with an even louder squark, and a rustling of tree branches. They wanted me to stop. I did.
Something was wrong. Ravens are territorial and fearless by nature, that’s what makes the Bible story so hard for some to believe. They share their food with no one.
But, there was no food in sight. Sensing that something was amiss I stopped and looked at the bird hovering over my head.
“What’s wrong?”
It grew quiet. No answer. The ravens didn’t attack me, for which I was truly grateful. These birds are predators, strong and menacing.
Since I had to go on my way, I vowed to walk that way in a few days.
By that time, word had circulated around the campus about two ravens that were attacking everyone who came by the tree. Students and faculty were scared out of their minds. The birds terrorized anyone and everyone.
The strange part of the story is that these birds are much smaller than us and could be hurt or killed by anyone with a stick - and a strong heart. They were obviously not worried about that.
I soon found out why.
About five days after the first encounter I returned to the tree. This time, I looked cautiously around the large grass shrubs that are native to Mount Carmel - and I found it.
A sick raven was hiding in the bushes, out of sight of the people walking by. The two healthy birds were part of the same flock and they took turns guarding the sick one, day and night. They weren’t attacking the people, so much as protecting their own.
So, some things never change. A flock of ravens is as strong as the weakest bird and us humans are as strong as our weakest link.
The experience taught me one thing. I have no doubt I am still my brother’s keeper and I’m glad that I’m not the only one who feels this way. The continued protests from all over the world attest to that.
I cannot be certain, but I think this is simply the beginning of the end.
I will finish with this, as citizens of the great experiment in democracy, ‘if all of us are not free - then none of us are free.’
John Q.